All around the darkness is light
The darkness is surrounded by light
Around the darkness is light
Surrounding the darkness is light
Inside the darkness is light
The darkness conceals light
The reverse, they say, may also be true
That all around light is darkness
That light is surrounded by darkness
That inside the light is darkness
But the one true thing
Is that we are beings
Who emerge into the light
Who see and signify according to the light
And so we may be a bit biased
Against the darkness
Needing the light as we do
Even to be
Even to understand that there is anything
Illumination creates possibility
And the absence of illumination
Creates silence
Which is the well, and which the water?
I suppose they are brother and sister
Standing apart and yet together
In conflict and yet as one
One that speaks
And one that has no words
How is that which is not there
Is darkness the secret father of light?
Or is it the simple limits of light
That leaves a residue of darkness beyond?
Is darkness fully defined by what it is not?
Or does it borrow a bit of being from the light
Just enough to show that what is not
Is too
And light in its generosity ends somewhere
And there the margin of darkness begins
Asking always, even in its absence,
To be.
Like sister and brother
Light and darkness are one
But will never agree.