I walked there, and I can walk back
Through the woods along the path
I came, trundling forward my presence
In search of unity, of reconciliation
At least a chance at rediscovery
Of what we had before, for at least a moment
Or at least the thought of same, then
Our few moments of bliss
Old people with no excuse for ignorance
You stood by the counter, your back turned
Though I could not see them
I assumed your hands submerged in water
In your clean place
You held on to your alienation
Or at least your immersion in a different world
Thus signaling your separation
I turned away and passed through the glass door
Back the way I had come
Back into the variegated forest
For I had learned the hard lesson
to leave things as they are
No more to beg and wheedle as in younger days
To force at least the appearance of my desire
Appearances will no longer do
We have not time for that
And the path through the forest, if unknown
If solitary, is at least familiar
And in truth is mine.
I found my way to you
But knowing after so many years
That in the end we live alone
I can find my way away again.